Last year, I prayed taraweeh next to a very old man. I noticed that he struggled to get up or stand on his 2 feet (he was shaking from weakness), but he stood up for the entire Isha and taraweeh prayers. Someone might have told him to sit down and relax, but you could tell from his determination at every rak’ah that he wants to stand up for Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) during Ramadan and didn't want to sit down.
The old man reminded me that sometimes the measure of how much you love someone is how much effort you're willing to put in for them. If we truly love Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala), shouldn't all of us put that extra bit of effort for Him?
I want you today to think of one area or one activity where you show Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) that you're putting that extra bit of effort for Him. Perhaps it could be waking up for tahajjud or praying those extra sunnah prayers or going out to feed people. Try it and let me know how it feels.
p/s : What will be your ONE SPECIAL good deed this Ramadhan?